Bags and Covers

Plain and Printed Polybags

Ask Plastics manufacture a wide range of polythene bags and covers, our bespoke products are suited to your specifications and application. These range from heavyweight builders bags to lightweight bags for liquid items at airports and everything in between.

We can print your bags or films for you. If you let us know the details of your print, we can ensure a bespoke printing plate is made for you especially.

Pallet Covers and Top Sheets

To ensure total protection of your product use polythene pallet covers and top sheets.Not only will your product be protected from the elements during the storage process but using pallet covers will ensure your product is secure and stable for easy transportation and delivery.

If you will be storing your pallet outside please let us know and we can advise on which additive you should use. All our pallet covers and top sheets can be made in ‘shrink’ and ‘non shrink’ polythene. Please call us on 02380 635446 for more information.

Furniture Bags

We supply a large amount of polythene bags to the furniture and bedding market all over the UK. Our fast turn around and good quality high strength products are preferred throughout the ever-expanding furniture market.

Our high quality furniture bags are used to ensure the safety of your product, protecting the product against scratches, scuffing, and scraping during the storage, transit and delivery process.

All our products are bespoke so please enquire with our sales team to see what we can do for you.